New to Jig and a Swig? Take a look at these two videos to get you ready for your first class, or keep reading for all the FAQ’s!

Who can join?

What ages can join?

18+. We’ve had dancers from 19 into their late 60’s so far!

I’m worried I’m out of shape and won’t be able to keep up - can I still join?

Yes yes yes! You can stop and start whenever you fancy throughout the class. No pressure and never any judgement! It’s all just for fun.

I dance/teach/judge for a specific competitive commission - can I join?

Absolutely. We have no competitive associations and everyone is welcome.

I have a disability or health condition that requires a specific access requirement - what should I do?

Drop me an email hello@jigandaswig.co.uk and we can support! We also have an option on the sign-up form to flag any accessibility requirements.

Is this a safe space for me?

We welcome all dancers regardless of gender/gender identity, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, religion, age (18+) or employment status. Harassment or bullying won’t be tolerated and by attending any of our events in any capacity (whether you are a professional or a first time dancer) you agree to treat all participants with care and respect and to abide by our code of conduct.

Do I need to wear Irish dancing shoes?

Not at all. You can wear trainers/jazz shoes/ballet shoes/dance trainers. If you have Irish dancing light shoes or heavy shoes, bring them along! On Monday nights, we do not use heavy shoes.

We recommend everyone wear shoes of some form (rather than socks), to avoid accidents and injuries.

I want to get some shoes - what would you recommend?

Soft shoes - Ladies

Soft shoes - Gents

Heavy shoes

Dance trainers - can be used for light and heavy shoe

Note: We don’t teach gendered choreography - wear whatever shoes you want! The most basic version of each shoe type will work just fine, no need to spend a lot!

How can I book a class?